The boring life of Jerod Poore, Crazymeds' Chief Citizen Medical Expert.

More Phone Friendly, I Hope. Plus Expanded Search Options

  • I’ve improved, I hope, the way the site looks for people using various mobile devices. Especially those of you with iPhones, who now represent 20% of this site’s traffic. There is now an entire page dedicated to setting your browsing environment. It’s a bit flaky, but after a fucking month of working on it, it’s not going to get any better. Those of you with large phones, tablets, laptops, and real computers are better off using the settings at the bottom of the right sidebar. If you don’t see a right sidebar, there should be a “Show Sidebar” toggle link underneath the HON Code certification icon. Click on that to display it. And if you don’t want to see either sidebar, each of them can be toggled to display or not when using the Triad skin. There’s more info about that and more on the set environment page.
    • Unless you’re going to a specific page, when you first hit the site using a phone you’ll be asked to select the display you want to use. With any luck you won’t be asked that again, because we’ll be leaving a bunch of cookies lying around. More about those on the updated Privacy Policy page.
  • Since mobile users haven’t had access to the Google site search, I’ve given everyone access to the wiki’s built-in search engine. It’s a lot like the forum’s search engine, except much more reliable. Just as the forum’s search engine will search only the forum and blogs, the wiki’s search engine will search only the wiki pages. You need to use the Google search engine if you want to search the wiki, forum, blogs, PI sheets and other .pdf files all at once - or search the PI sheets at all. The search is resource-intensive, so I don’t know if I’ll leave it available to everyone or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks good.