The boring life of Jerod Poore, Crazymeds' Chief Citizen Medical Expert.

Too in tune with the zeitgeist

It's like this, I know that people can't afford overpriced shirts now. There's no orgy of spending like there was during the five years I had the concept and letters and everything, but was too caught up in everything else in my life. I know it's a futile endeavor. It can fail any number of ways or make just enough to keep the shop open. There's no disappointment this way. I've had enough failure and disappointment of late. So I'm beyond caring, as with so many other things.

It's hard enough for me to care enough to barely keep my life together on a daily basis. Rather on those days when I'm not too depressed or sick with something (like today) to try to catch up with everything piled up around me. I'm far too ready to put up a dowry of $1,000 per cat and let someone else take care of the mess.

In any event I've currently got over 40 designs up at Straight Jacket t-shirts. The site has been reorganized a bit to make it easier, I hope, to browse through several hundred shitty shirts. More designs are planned.

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