The boring life of Jerod Poore, Crazymeds' Chief Citizen Medical Expert.

Let the Migration Begin!

I'm starting the migration to the new server now.

What that means is the Crazy Meds Talk forum won't be available until whenever I'm done.

The static pages on medications, etc. will be available until I update the DNS entry with the new IP address. Then they'll be back up after what is I hope will be the brief time it takes to propagate said change. How much longer after that until the forum is ready is anyone's guess.

I'll post any updates as required.


Anonymous said...

Goodluck w/the migration. Hope it goes smoothly.

Unknown said...

I wish. As of 9:00 a.m. I already feel like posting something to FMyLife.

Anonymous said...

Sorry it's sucked.
*lights a candle for the missing posts*